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Review: Switcher Studio

If you're looking for an iDevice-based video mixing solution, Switcher Studio should be on at the top of your short list.

Switcher Studio 是一个基于idevice的应用程序,可以混合多达四个输入,并将它们流式传输到任何基于rtmp的服务, with templates for common outputs like Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Livestream, and 该软件使用起来非常简单,同时提供了图中图和图形叠加等功能, and performed well on the iPad Mini 2 A1490 that I tested on. 这项服务的费用是每月25美元,7天免费试用,或者你可以支付299美元使用一整年.

For the record, though Switcher Studio can operate on an iPhone, the company recommends mixing on an iPad, and they supplied the iPad Mini 2 for my tests. According to the Apple specs, the Mini 2 comes with a 1.3 GHz Cyclone CPU with PowerVR G6430 quad-core graphics.

How Switcher Studio Works

Figure 1 (below) shows the program, which looks and works like most video mixers. On the top right is the live feed that’s streamed and recorded; on the top left is the preview feed. 左下角是我在测试中使用的四个输入, 而右下角包含所有配置选项和主要控件.

Figure 1. Switcher Studio with four inputs

In terms of input sources, if you’re not an Apple aficionado, your options are exceptionally limited, since the only inputs are iOS devices and Macs. 输入1是我正在运行软件的iPad的前置摄像头, 它必须与所有其他视频源连接到相同的Wi-Fi网络.

Figure 2 (below) Mac电脑屏幕上的PowerPoint屏幕是否也在同一网络上运行, 哪个可以作为免费下载的输入源 Switcher Cast. 除了Mac的屏幕,你还可以从连接的Mac上输入一个网络摄像头,这是输入4. Completing the picture, input 3 is from an iPhone on the same Wi-Fi 网work, enabled by installing Switcher Studio onto the phone.

Figure 2. Choosing your inputs

General Operation

General operation is simple and follows well-established norms. 具体来说,要在预览窗口中输入一个源,您需要触摸它. 要激活它,您可以触摸预览窗口左下角的“预览到实时文本”. That’s pretty much it.

For setup, 您可以通过右下角的工具栏访问大多数效果和控件, with the first icon controlling inputs (Figure 2).

To connect to an iDevice, you have to type in the iDevice’s URL, 当你将Switcher Studio应用程序置于远程拍摄模式时,它会显示什么. 因为你在内部网络上运行,它通常是一个简单的字符串,比如10.0.0.149, and once it’s entered, you can select it for future uses. Mac的屏幕和摄像头输入会自动显示出来,你所要做的就是启用它们.

The second icon controls your outputs, 您可以从Switcher Studio网站或程序本身进行设置(Figure 3, below). The software has presets for most popular services; for these, 您需要做的就是登录并选择一些特定于服务的参数, and a quality level. 使用自定义RTMP服务,您可以创建自己的编码参数. Of course, 你可以从Switcher Studio运行Speedtest,它会测试你的带宽并选择合适的配置.

Figure 3. Choosing your output

When switching between camera angles, Switcher Studio lets you choose from one of four transitions, cross-dissolve, 擦, 多维数据集, and twist, which you can customize by duration, or simply use a cut. 更令人兴奋的是创造图中图的能力 Figure 4 (below),或以其他方式同时显示两个摄像头并排和其他几种模式. In the picture-in-picture mode shown, 在预览窗口中设置镜头时,您可以使用手势控制自由移动和调整视频窗口的大小. 这是一项非常诱人的功能,我测试的iPad毫无问题地实现了这一功能.

Figure 4. The software supports a picture-in-picture mode

右下角的下一个图标启用相机对焦调节控制, exposure, white balance, and the like, should you decide to go manual. 下一个显示了来自承载软件的iDevice的音频级别,以及所有其他输入. 请注意,您可以与实时视频流一起推送的唯一音频流是由主机设备本身捕获的, not the audio from any of the remote feeds. 这适用于音乐会或其他集中音频的活动,靠近开关站, 但不适用于需要远程评论或其他远程音频输入的事件.

最后一个图标是全帧或覆盖图像的存储库(Figure 5, below),你可以从设备的照片库或照片流中导入. Switcher Studio提供了几个预置,如图所示,这对所有制作都很有用.

Figure 5. 你可以在流中插入图片(但不是VOD视频)或将它们定位为叠加

Switcher Studio目前不能从混音器设备中合并VOD视频, though you can play a video on a Mac and broadcast it that way. 然而, the company plans to include this feature, plus some enhancements to the camera controls, in an upcoming release that should be available by March 2017.

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