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Review: Blackmagic ATEM 1 M/E Advanced Panel and ATEM Television Studio HD

This review is an introduction and an overview of the Blackmagic ATEM 1 M/E Advanced Panel and the Television Studio HD. The Advanced Panel is accessible enough for rookies to not be intimidating, but it's also advanced and customizable enough for veteran directors.

In this review I’ll look at some brand new equipment from Blackmagic Design. 首先是ATEM 1 M/E高级面板(下面的图1). Powering that unit, I have Blackmagic’s ATEM Television Studio HD (图2,在图1下面). In this article I’ll refer to the Television Studio as the switcher and the Advanced Panel as the panel.

图1. 黑魔ATEM 1m /E高级面板

图2. 黑魔法ATEM电视工作室高清


首先,我将引导您完成该硬件的设置. 这很简单, 这让我很惊讶, because I've worked with hardware like this before that requires a lot of cables and a lot of interactivity, and sometimes it can be very difficult to get everything just right.

基本上,面板充当网络集线器. 面板背面有两个以太网接口(下面的图3). One goes to the computer; the other goes to the Television Studio switcher. 我将我的IP范围设置为一定范围, 然后我设置了两个设备, 开关和面板都有, 到相同的范围, but gave them different numbers at the very end of that range--basically, 50, 51, 和52.

图3. Ether网 ports on the back of the ATEM 1 M/E Advanced Panel

设置好之后,我进行了面板搜索. It found the Television Studio and then, in this software, ATEM setup, it also finds the hardware. 你可以看到 图4(下面), the setup software has already found the Television Studio HD, 切换器可以看到高级面板. 再一次。, this works simply by seeing an IP range and it searches that, 它找到了它需要的硬件.

图4. The ATEM setup software identifying the Television Studio HD

Once you've done that with the setup software, there's not really much you need to do here anymore. You can quickly access settings and jump straight into the software control panel via the buttons shown in 图4. 在我按下按钮之后, 它把我切换到软件上, 我已经在跑步了, 但它会为你启动软件, 如果需要.


Immediately it shows me what I'm seeing on the Advanced Panel in 图5(下面). 它显示哪个源在程序中, 哪个源处于预览状态, 然后是当时被切换的其他按钮, 包括t杆的位置, 当我移动t形条时,哪个会改变, 物理t形条.

图5. The software shows everything that’s happening in the Advanced Panel. 

The software is mostly straightforward because it's basically just mirroring what you can see physically on the panel. This could be useful if you have two operators in the control room. 你可以让一个人设置图形或颜色, 排队媒体播放或静态调用. 另一个人实际上可能是技术总监, 呼叫开关和操作面板本身. That would take some practice because the right hand would have to know what the left hand is doing, so that the director doesn't get confused by something the person running the software is setting up.

在UI的右侧,显示在 图6(下面),我们有调色板. 在这里 you can set up Color Generators, which I've set up with a blue and an orange in 图6. I can do everything on screen what I can also do on the hardware. 我可以调用颜色1, 这就引出了蓝色, 然后我可以过渡到那个, 如果我想用纯蓝色表示. And then I can switch my preview to another camera and go back into my camera feeds, 经历过那种颜色.

图6. 调色板

下面是上游键和下游键. 你有过渡:混合, which is like a dissolve; Dip, which you dip to a color; Wipe, of different shapes; and then DVE. 调色板下的最后一个面板是渐黑. 在这里, you can adjust the duration of the fade and also tell it whether the audio should follow the video or not. 如果你用渐黑来剪辑广告, 或者结束这场演出, 然后你会希望音频跟随视频, 这样它就能一次性杀死你所有的饲料.

If you just want Fade to Black to be available to you as an option for an actual image, but you want the audio to continue--let's say you're trying to hide something visually, whatever that may be--you can toggle that on or off for whatever you need.

The next tab over, 媒体播放器, shows you what stills are called up. You can quickly change to other stills that you have loaded. 你可以看到 图7(下面),每个媒体播放器最多可以有20个. 还有hyperdeck. 如果你有黑魔法超级甲板, this would be for recording and under Capture is where you would see those devices showing up.

图7. 媒体播放器

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