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Dropp's Sushil Prabhu Talks Streaming Micropayment Tech 和 Strategy

什么是微支付,为什么它们最近吸引了很多行业的关注? 蒂姆Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation,以及特约编辑, 流媒体, sits down with Sushil Prabhu, Co-Founder & 首席执行官, Dropp 小额支付, 在流媒体东2023的采访中讨论这种替代的、适应性很强的支付方式.



普拉布说,虽然在过去的20年里,数字领域出现了令人难以置信的创新, especially in new 和 improved ways to watch streaming video, not much has changed in how payments are digitally processed. “There really is a need for small value purchases,他说. “现在, you can go out 和 buy a can of soda for a dollar, 但是你不能在互联网上做同样的事情,因为它是作为捆绑包提供的.他强调,媒体领域非常需要用户进行小额购买.

Where Are Micropayment Systems Most Needed?

“小额支付模式是针对新兴市场还是第一世界市场? Where do you see the balance there?西格林问道.

普拉布说,他认为小额支付系统的发展是一种全球需求. 几乎每一笔全球数字交易都需要信用卡或借记卡, 和 with that comes 交易费用. 他说:“商家不能给你提供小价值,因为太贵了。. 他强调,自疫情爆发以来,流媒体服务从最初的核心平台爆炸式增长, 如 网飞公司Hulu到2000个服务. “所以这是一个实际的需求,因为现在这个行业有很多事情要做, 和 it's going to just keep going on,他说. “People are a little tired of subscriptions. You can only subscribe so much. [So] there's a need worldwide to build a cost-effective platform.”

Siglin notes that the issue is even more pronounced in the United States, whereas there are more opportunities for micropayments in other markets. 他说:“在一些国家,你可以在每月的手机账单上附加小额付款。. “And in others, you go buy a top-up card 和 get more data. In the States, it's always been sort of weird…I pay 威瑞森, my phone bill, but I can't add a micropayment onto my 威瑞森 bill. 我们为什么要在美国走这个方向,drop是如何解决这个问题的?”

普拉布也认为,小额支付的基础设施在其他国家发展得更好,但在美国,信用卡购买的过程并不完善.S. 它是如此成熟和普遍信任,以至于消费者可能甚至不考虑替代品,甚至可以用卡购买一罐苏打水. But Siglin points out that in many in-person merchant transactions, 由于对商家征收的交易费用,最低交易金额(如5美元)仍然存在.

您正在说, “Whenever it comes to small payments 和 new payment technologies, 人们还没有真正考虑到我们没有成本效益高的支付方式。. 50% of the consumer reported payments in the U.S. 低于25美元, 和流行后, 甚至在大流行期间, 40%的人使用信用卡进行小额交易,因为人们不想随身携带现金. So what's happening is people are getting more used to credit cards, 和 the merchants are making less 和 less. You could walk into a restaurant right now, have a bill for a hundred dollars, 和 it'll 说 $5 discount if you pay me cash…”

“就像你的医生一样,西格林说, “如果你用现金支付,他们就不必通过保险.”

How 小额支付 Can Help the Creator Economy

“There is an acute need to do micropayments in the U.S.普拉布说. “And that's why we launched here. 但我们看到了全球的需求,因为,我举个例子,有很多大公司,网飞公司, Hulu, HBO, (但)还有大约1000家其他视频流媒体公司在争夺同样的消费者. 有视频博主,还有创造者经济,他们怎么能只靠广告赚钱呢? Because [you] need a million views to make money. I'm not going to subscribe to every video blogger out there. 小额支付 can be used for micro-tipping. So if you have thous和s of followers, 50美分小费, 和 that journalist or publisher can sustain himself.”

“嗯, 事实上是这样的,西格林说, “we just finished up doing the presentation of the research for the State of Streaming Spring 2023. And one of the points that George Bokuchava from Tulix 这个模式是围绕他的一些公司提出的,这些公司通常都有订阅, some of it is houses of worship, but some of it is artists who also have a Patreon account…they're backing off of the subscription [model]. 他们在角落里放了一个二维码,上面写着:“请捐款,或者请付钱给我。.“这与你所说的‘微小费’概念非常吻合."

How Dropp Merges Banking Technologies With Distributed Ledger Technologies

“We merge two technologies普拉布说. “We use banking technology, which is very well regulated. Because most people still use fiat currencies. And then we merged it with distributed ledger technology, which gives you the cryptography, 安全, 隐私, 诸如此类.” In this way, he 说s, Dropp has created a hybrid system. He further explains how Dropp is present on user interfaces. “So you could be on a desktop, 你会在内容页面上看到一个蓝色的小点,上面写着‘可能就是这一集,’然后你点击它, 和 you have a little extension on your 浏览器边缘,它会弹出. 你想付10美分吗? 所以这不是很大的支付, 这是小额付款, 但我认为这是数字经济的另一个分支,我们可以通过启用小额支付来打开它.”

“I've been in this industry for about 25 years,西格林说. “There were a few companies who tried in the early days to do this. 贝宝 我想到了, 很明显, 因为贝宝最初是一种非银行交易的欠条模式, 当然, they fought the litigation about whether they were a bank or not. 但后来也有其他公司加入进来,苹果也参与了进来 iTunes 有点. 你在账户里存了25美元, 然后你把钱花光了, 和 therefore your 交易费用 are lower. The problem with that is you were then stuck with $4.在5个不同的账户中存入99美元因为你必须有一个最低的支出成本. Is your model similar in that somebody has to come along 和 put, 说, $10 in their account so they do not have those 签证 交易费用?”

“To a certain fashion, yes普拉布说. 他同意小额支付的概念已经存在了很长时间,并且已经被其他公司尝试过, “但一个概念要想流行,你需要两样东西:一是消费者对这样的东西有兴趣. 其次是技术. 所以现在, 你可能听说过美国的票据交换所(Clearing House).S. 在美国提出;提出 实时支付 (RTP). So banking technology has also become much more modernized, 它准备好了, 和 so is a distributed ledger of the blockchain technology. So when you combine those, you have something. 所以我的意思是有需求,有需求,还有技术. I think this is the right time.”

Learn more about this topic 和 more at 流媒体连接2023.

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