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The Evolution of Technology Partnerships in a Complex Streaming Landscape

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The rapid growth of streaming has transformed the status quo of television. 媒体公司不能再仅仅依靠传统的发行模式,需要探索新的数字战略,以实现长期可靠的业务增长. 适应不断变化的消费者行为和平台碎片化已经够复杂的了, 甚至没有考虑宏观经济挑战和成本上升迫使所有content提供商以更少的成本做更多的事情.

媒体领袖们正在应对不断增加的复杂性,寻找应对不确定未来的方法, forward-thinking service provider partnerships have never been more important. 一流的技术合作伙伴关系为媒体企业扩大运营规模和最大化投资回报率奠定了基础. 在今天的数字时代,服务提供商的角色已经发生了变化,但媒体公司需要注意什么才能确保他们能够与技术供应商建立无懈可击的合作关系?

New business realities

随着观众追求直观,颠覆性技术和消费者的转变正在推动AVOD和FAST等商业模式的采用, accessible television experiences. 媒体公司需要通过提供不同价位的content来迎合尽可能广泛的受众, with different subscription models, direct-to-consumer offerings, and across newer digital platforms.

商业模式实验和跨新兴平台的扩展分销对content所有者来说非常复杂. 媒体品牌需要灵活地尝试新的服务产品,并扩展到新的分销平台——他们需要快速、经济地做到这一点. 这种重新定义的content消费格局正在推动许多媒体公司做出大胆的商业决策, evaluating strategies to scale their operations without incurring upfront costs. 合作伙伴关系使组织能够利用规模经济,同时提高盈利能力,这应该是当今具有前瞻性的媒体公司的首要议程.

Navigating the digital marketplace

2023年,主流媒体公司要想在竞争中保持领先地位,就必须专注于创意和content战略, and they're battling hard for the best rights and licensing deals as a result. Content providers need as much time, 顶部空间, and financial backing available to create and secure high-quality content. 和, let's face it - in the boardroom, 创意媒体的领导者不想花时间思考复杂的技术难题. 

通过托管服务层转向以opex为中心的技术模型,可以为创造性任务释放百家乐软件,并使企业能够专注于其受众,同时将技术委托给经过验证的专家. 在当今复杂的市场中,没有管理专业知识和专门支持的简单现成的产品和服务是行不通的. 借助强大技术和专业服务层的合作伙伴关系,媒体品牌可以快速进入市场, futureproof their operations, and secure sustainable business growth.

The importance of trust

也许任何媒体公司都应该考虑的最根本的因素是对技术合作伙伴的信任和问责. 这是件大事. When it comes to managing and distributing high-value, mission-critical content, service providers must offer, 至少, 相同的, 或者更好, an even greater level of care than an in-house operations team would provide.

Content owners need to know they’ll get a good night’s sleep. 他们需要知道,在关键时刻,他们的技术合作伙伴会一直在那里, while constantly innovating to take their operations to the next level. 托管服务提供商应努力与客户建立更紧密的合作关系, garnering a deep understanding of their specific needs, and delivering a bulletproof service layer tailored to each partnership.

Partnerships fuel innovation

The media industry is more exciting today than at any point in its history. 流媒体技术不断创新所带来的商业模式正在重塑组织的运作方式, while unlocking a sea of new opportunities across the content value chain.

然而, media brands can’t go it alone; they need technology partners to help them navigate a tough and ever-changing landscape while balancing their budget sheets. 如今,服务合作伙伴关系远不止外包业务和技术. They are about trust, 问责制, 合作为媒体客户提供可靠的支柱,让他们充满信心地探索新的机会. 这才是最重要的——这也是媒体机构在任何技术合作中应该寻求的.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from LTN. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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