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Best Practices for High-Availability Streaming at Scale

您如何为达到数十万或数百万用户的大型事件流维持朝九晚五的正常运行时间? Steve Nathans-Kelly, VP and Editor-in-Chief of 流媒体 and Video Publishing Director at 今日资讯公司., discusses this topic with Corey Smith, Sr. Director, Advanced Production Technology, CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙老约书亚·约翰逊. Director, Solution Architects, EdgeNext, and John Petrocelli, CEO/Founder, 斗牛犬糖尿病,在这个剪辑中 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Nathans-Kelly begins by asking Corey Smith, “根据你的经验,你认为创造高可用性服务的关键是什么?”

Smith强调,开发详细的客户分析是提供大规模无缝高可用性流的关键. 他说:“你必须改进你的分析方法,以弄清楚客户体验。. “因为如果你不了解客户的经历,你就永远无法改善,对吧? If you never analyze the data, your customer base is constantly in this turmoil of, ‘Should I even bother with this thing anymore?“就像我在流媒体服务上观看现场音乐会一样,它总是掉下来, 我为什么要回去? 为什么我要花钱去看一场流媒体音乐会,而我可以很容易地去街上看呢 Five Point Amphitheater here in Orange County or go somewhere else.”

 “I agree,” Johnson says. He points out that pulling real-time data is especially valuable. “过去,数据到达我们那里的速度很慢,因此采取行动总是有害的. 但现在, 实际上, it is literally being fed in, 随着形势的发展,我们能够做出动态的改变和选择. 但同时, 如果你看看你所处的基础和幕后的人们, 这是关键. 因为如果你没有那个基础部分它们不够稳固不能提供基础设施或入站, then it doesn't matter how good the end is. 你没有以合格的方式得到任何数量(或)任何质量的初始部分.”

Smith says, “Oh, a hundred percent.他还强调,在大型流媒体活动中,对观众位置的广泛了解对于选择正确的提供商至关重要. 他说,对于美国大陆和北美,“你看到的是典型的供应商, Akamai 聚光灯下,等. if you're going to do your CDN distribution. “But what do you do for a global international audience? What partnerships do you make there? 客户遥测技术如何影响决策的制定,从而不断将客户与最佳流连接起来? 实际上,在世界不同地区的多个CDM提供商之间,围绕流传输和负载平衡的事情并没有发生太大变化, 从应用程序如何在某个数据中心构建的三层体系结构模型来看,您有一个负载平衡器. You have to spread out your application servers, you have to spread your middle-tier business logic, 还有你的数据库. It's basically the same thing: origin, origin, shield, edge…”

约翰逊同意史密斯关于了解特定地理区域的主要参与者的重要性. “哪个供应商在这个领域占据主导地位,谁拥有基础设施?他说. “And are you 实际上 relying upon them, or are you relying upon them and their partners, and do you 实际上 know who their partners are? And then it becomes a question [of] do you see that partner as a value?”

史密斯指出, “A lot of those partnerships are only as good as their peering agreements, 所以在某一时刻, it's still a business conversation on paper. Theoretically, you can get bits to anybody in the world. It's how you best optimize those routes.”

John Petrocelli说,虽然上述所有因素都是至关重要的, 许多在疫情期间最初进入音乐直播领域的玩家,对国际规模的直播活动所带来的各种技术障碍准备不足. “我认为大约有100到200家公司走出去,获得了风险投资,并进入了市场思维, ‘Oh, 这没问题, 我能搞定,’”他说. “But what we saw was this is not an easy thing to do. And because you got some funding, I don't think you're going to figure it out in 90 days or even six months. And people weren't contemplating things like redundancy and serving to, first of all a big domestic audience, but potentially given who the talent was, it could be a pretty massive international audience. And it was a rude awakening for a lot of these companies.”

彼得罗切利说,这种判断最终是一种考验,考验的是谁能够适应能力强,视野开阔,能够从错误中吸取教训,并迅速做出调整, 这一时期对直播领域的技术改进和增长起到了积极的催化剂作用. “I think that's consolidated back to reality, 现在留在那个空间里的人已经理解了这个任务,以及实现体验的最佳实践方法是什么, but then to do it in real-time, and to scale it to a potentially pretty significant simultaneous audience.”

Learn more about high-availability streaming at scale at 流媒体 East 2023.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Scale Matters: How to Deliver Five-Nines Streams to Global Live Audiences

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How to Build Unbreakable Live Streams at Scale

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延迟和. Quality for 在线直播 at Scale

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斗牛犬糖尿病's John Petrocelli Talks Post-Pandemic Streaming at Scale

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