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Review: Telestream Vantage Transcode Multiscreen

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Telestream’s Vantage Transcode Multiscreen software, running on the new Lightspeed Server, 制作了一系列单文件和自适应比特率(ABR)格式的高质量视频. 性能取决于所执行的任务类型,范围从一般到有希望. As a part of the Vantage Workflow system family, Transcode Multiscreen and the Lightspeed Server are valuable additions; you can see a discussion of the Vantage Workflow system in this Notre Dame case study. 如果你在寻找世界上最快的编码引擎, however, you should definitely look elsewhere.

Products and Pricing

Vantage Transcode Multiscreen是一个gpu加速的工作流系统,支持一系列ABR格式, including Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), HTTP-based Dynamic Streaming (HDS), Microsoft Smooth Streaming, and DASH. 它只与Telestream的新光速服务器捆绑在一起, 一个1RU机架安装系统,具有多个GPU和CPU内核,旨在加速转码多屏幕. Total system cost is $26,000.

The Test Configuration

我通过远程桌面连接登录对系统进行了测试. 光速系统运行Windows Server 2008 R2标准,由双2驱动.0 GHz E5-2650至强处理器,每个8/16核(带HTT), 32GB RAM. The graphics card was a Matrox G200eW, GPU性能由两张NVIDIA Tesla M2075 CUDA卡提供.
您通过Vantage Workflow软件驱动Multiscreen编码器, 它在顶部工具栏中显示为编解码器构建块的位置. Architecturally, Vantage works around the concept of a workflow, 中所示的工作流设计器中的图形元素创建的 Figure 1.
Figure 1

Figure 1. 多屏幕编码器中一个简单工作流的图形组件 

If you look closely, 您会注意到,每个元素右上方的图标标识了该元素将要执行的功能. For example, in Figure 1, Watch元素正在扫描一个Watch文件夹,查找要提交给Multiscreen Flip的传入文件, 而Receive函数允许您手动将文件加载到工作流中. Multiscreen Flip是部署运行在Lightspeed编码器上的Multispeed编码器的元素. 编码完成后,将文件发送到Deploy函数进行交付.
通过从顶部的图标拖动工作流构建块并连接工作流设计器中的元素,可以构建工作流. Once inserted into a workflow, 每个元素都提供了广泛的配置选项,详细说明了所执行的任务. For example, in Figure 2, 您可以在Multiscreen Flip模块中看到三个高级配置选项, Inputs, Transcoders, and Outputs.
Figure 2

Figure 2. Multiscreen Flip模块中的三个高级配置选项 

Inputs函数定义并命名传入文件的元素, in this case, Video 1 and Audio 1. 转码功能捕获传入文件的离散元素,并将它们编码为单个音频和视频文件, essentially elementary streams. For example, in Figure 3, 你会看到音频1被发送到AAC转码器,在那里它被转换成两个文件, one at 128Kbps and one at 96Kbps.
Figure 3

Figure 3. 使用不同的编码参数将传入的音频和视频转换为基本流 

Similarly, 视频1文件被发送到多个x264转换器, some encoded into a single resolution, 一些编码成多个版本在多个分辨率. For example, in addition to unique streams at 720p and 768x432, 这个自适应组围绕640x360配置编码四个流, at 240, 540, 740, and 1200Kbps.
Since I’m starting with a 720p file, getting to 640x360 involves scaling and, for some source files, deinterlacing and other filtering as well. 而不是单独处理自适应组中的每个文件, Vantage处理同一时间以相同分辨率生成的所有文件, performing all scaling, deinterlacing, 其他过滤一次,然后编码输出四次. 大多数其他编码器会分别对每个文件进行编码, performing the scaling, deinterlacing, and other filtering each time, which is less efficient.

Encoding Controls

Vantage使用x264编解码器,具有熟悉的预置和调优配置文件,以及GUI中可用的一些关键调整(Figure 4). If you really want to tweak the controls, 您可以添加一个命令行参数并访问所有x264参数.
Figure 4

Figure 4. Vantage’s encoding controls  

将除数据速率以外的所有编码参数应用于每个转码器实例, essentially each resolution produced by the encoder. For example, in Figure 3, 除了三个x264盒子中的数据速率外,您可以设置所有编码参数. 然后,您将分别在框内的该分辨率上为每个迭代设置数据速率.

Packaging the Elementary Streams

Once the elementary streams are created, Vantage可以将它们合并到多个输出文件中, as shown in Figure 5. 在这里,您可以看到将相同的基本屏幕打包为HDS和HLS的两个不同输出变体. 通过下拉列表简化了这些变体的构建,这些下拉列表公开了在前一步中编码的基本流. Just click the Plus sign to add a variant, type in the name (or copy/paste/edit the name), 并在下拉列表中选择所需的基本流.
Figure 5

Figure 5. 将基本流打包成多个输出 

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