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你想要预测? 使用一个被滥用的术语, 在线视频正处于一个转折点,它将在未来的一年里向前发展. 2017年,数字广告已经取代了电视广告. 现在是时候用它做一些真正有趣的事情了. 来看看2018年有哪些有趣的举动, 我们采访了18位业内人士,请他们做出一些预测. 以下是明年在线广告行业的变化.

predictions(为了了解我们的专家一年前的表现, 让我们回顾一下 在我们2017年的预测中).


“传统广告正处于死亡螺旋中,对某些人群来说,它已经寿终正寝. 让Gen Edge看广告? 最好启动你的反广告拦截技术,因为你找错门了. But the industry finally is pushing the clouds aside and getting a better idea of what its future really is: interactive ads, 更多赞助节目, 广告消费方式的真正巨变. A good example? 以福克斯为例,该公司正将6秒广告作为品牌宣传的核心内容.

“时代在变化,由一个非常积极和有选择性的消费者领导. 最终,该行业开始注意到这一点. 在AVOD网站上寻找更少的广告负荷, 更好的目标, 以及利用数据和新技术的更活跃的竞选活动.——首席行业分析师吉姆·奥尼尔 Ooyala


"We're going to see an even bigger shift beyond personalized ad experiences; it's going to be all about making advertising an integral part of the content in ways we haven't previously seen in online video. 人工智能和机器学习将使这些集成的爆炸式增长成为可能, 直观的广告格式, 还为内容创作者和广告商提供有关观看习惯的关键数据, 这将产生更多相关的广告和内容体验, 最终产生更高的粘性和更好的归因.——数字媒体服务主管拉尔夫·雅各布 Oath


营销人员说, 他们中最直言不讳的人表达了对欺诈的担忧, 在线广告生态系统的透明度和可见性. In response, the industry will continue to move toward premium marketplaces that offer more end-to-end capabilities, 有需求和卖方控制点. It's a transformational time for brand advertising as we expect a new style of marketplace to emerge in 2018.——michael Hudes,首席收入官 YuMe


“品牌媒体整合和消费者渠道分化将继续快速发展. This will undoubtedly fuel the creation of more direct-to-consumer services as media owners try to capture a greater share of consumer attention. 在这个新环境中, we will begin to see new metrics and currencies emerge that will force the industry to evolve beyond the current transactional standard of C3, C7, 和可视性.——阿努哈夫·梅罗特拉,副总统 ComScore 


"Today, 创建一个新的视频广告, 一个品牌必须雇佣一个创意机构, write a script, find actors, 录制画外音, identify music, 聘请一名董事. 这通常要花费数十万到数百万美元, 需要6个月, 一旦广告制作完成, 这个牌子已经用了几年了. In 2018, brands will catalog different short (less than 3 second) shots of content (let's say family shots, 或者青少年照片, 或者产品照片, 或特写照片). 然后,这些镜头将根据观看广告的个人实时自组装.——emi Gal (Teads Studio首席执行官兼集团首席营销官) Teads


“在线视频包含很多有机视频, 自产视频一路走向主流, 商业化的内容. 随着网络中立的消失, 你可以保证视频将成为主流和商业化, 胜过其他所有人. Those who generally consume videos are going to be turning away and looking at the dark web for content, 包括视频. Unfortunately, online video as we know it will go to ‘he who has the biggest and deepest pockets.’”——rich Kahn,首席执行官兼联合创始人 eZanga


“最大的变化和影响将是视频片前CPM的一定增加. As Ads.txt/Ads.与OpenRTB 3一起全面推出.供应将看到一个相当快的压缩可用性. 通过有效的卷前供应,欺诈率也有望降低.——凯瑞·比安奇,首席执行官 Visto


展望2018年的前景,机器人和IVT火灾将(最终)!)会受到遏制,从而进一步推高程序性支出. 我们还将看到数据——以及数据的激活——成为王者. Audience buying will be the new way to target media and CTV will finally gain traction after its initial years of slow progress and underperformance. Also, keep your eyes out for the first appearance of a hidden giant by way of programmatic linear TV—the heavy investments made over the past few years will finally bring the first of these products to fruition.——jeff Chi,首席运营官 Krush Media


"Precision targeting is going to shift up a gear in 2018 as publishers and advertisers leverage AI-powered ad tech tools to offer personalized content. 个性化的内容不仅能长久地吸引用户, but it provides a wealth of data which can be leveraged to constantly improve levels of personalization. 消费者已经准备好并兴奋地响应真正个性化的广告, 我认为市场现在已经准备好了.——弗朗西斯·特纳,CRO和美国医学博士, Adyoulike


“在电视和数字领域, there is increased demand from advertisers to reach broadcast viewers on OTT devices as a natural extension of their TV buys. 因此,广告商希望对OTT采用与桌面和移动平台相同的衡量标准. As a result, 广告商正在寻找他们信任的技术合作伙伴来开发先进的OTT测量. TV buyers extending in to digital has been highly tactical to date as they look to replicate the TV experience. In 2018, 因为OTT继续提供更多接触观众的机会, 买家将采取更具战略性的方式.——视频策略总监安东尼·格林 Gamut


"In 2018, 根据我们一月份发布的新买家调查, we are confident that there will be an increase in adoption and spend across cross-screen platforms for digital video advertising and linear TV. The world of advanced advertising continues to evolve and we're seeing the worlds of TV and digital video rapidly converging. 我们将看到高级电视广告越来越多地被用户和广告商所定义. 品牌希望能够使用自己的数据购买电视和其他屏幕, 让他们在适当的屏幕上更精确地使用创意来接触客户. Audiences will have better viewing experiences with advertising frequency management and relevant messaging.——jay Prasad,首席战略官 VideoAmp


"In 2018, we'll see more addressable targeting and increased scale of dynamic ad insertion through the growth of live streaming TV services, 或者瘦骨嶙峋, 比如YouTube TV, Hulu直播电视, Sling TV, 和PlayStation Vue. 这些服务呈上升趋势 ComScore的OTT现状报告 3.Sling、PlayStation Vue或DirecTV Now的100万用户 YouTube TV最近在34个新市场推出, offering consumers yet another way to access video content (including some of their favorite TV networks) through a skinny version of a standard cable TV subscription. Since these bundles are all accessed via an internet connection and consumers still favor watching longer form content on a TV, 这将为联网电视带来更多的观众.——heather Robertson,视频总监, Centro


"Advertisers must also continue to push for more realistic industry viewability standards; despite how great an ad is, 50 percent of the video in view for 2 seconds is not enough to allow consumers to fully interact with a brand. And as the industry looks to reduce fraud in programmatic video advertising and publishers look to channel brands' working media dollars effectively, 广告的实施.TXT在整个生态系统中将是一个巨大的进步.——glenn Kiladis,产品与战略副总裁 ViralGains

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“要真正抓住并吸引消费者, 发行商应该专注于创造更长的形式, 2018年视频制作精良.——vipul Mistry,高级业务发展经理 Intermarkets


“毫无疑问,2018年在线视频将继续增长. However, advertisers are going to demand more than a 1 second view on their video from platforms like Facebook and Snapchat, 消费者可以轻松地用拇指划过广告进入下一段内容. As such, video investment will see parallel investment in even more immersive formats like 360° video and VR/AR experiences to stand-out in the crowd and give consumers a reason to pause and engage before swiping their thumb to the next piece of content.——michael Rucker,联合创始人兼首席运营官 OmniVirt


“2018年,视频广告的基本面将发生变化. Historically, 视频的价值一直存在于可以出售的库存中, 是什么推动了更多视频的创作. In 2018 we can expect to see the value of the volume of inventory start to become secondary to the value of high-quality video content itself. 诸如现场时间等指标, 用户参与, retention rate, completion rate will mean the value of video advertising will truly be in the videos themselves next year.——zohar Dayan,首席执行官兼联合创始人 Wibbitz


"Facebook and Instagram will become the leading platforms in driving online sales for ecommerce advertisers. 随着参与度的提高, 直观的广告格式 such as Instagram Stories and Collection to go along with the unique audience data, 以及他们对视频的关注, these social platforms will pioneer effective video retargeting and successful prospecting resulting in significant ROAS [return on ad spend] and sales lift for the ecommerce advertisers.——oz Etzioni,首席执行官 Clinch


"In 2017, 品牌和出版商要求提高数据处理和存储地点的透明度. But, as the ad tech market continues to transition to more programmatically-driven native ad formats in the new year, 他们将开始把基础设施的分布视为一种竞争优势, 就像主要的云提供商那样. In 2018, 广告技术公司将开始把他们的架构搬到更靠近关键市场的地方, 首先从德国开始,因为它拥有市场领先的连通性, 在更接近最终用户的网络上处理数据.——布莱恩·希尔,数字媒体营销和业务发展总监 Interxion

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Predictions gathered here from industry experts and analysts for the streaming industry 2023 in five categories: Monetization, AVOD, Hybrid, and FAST; CTV and OTT; Rights, Piracy, Security, and Privacy; Expansion and Contraction; Gaming and Esports; Content Delivery; and "2023 Will Be The Year Of..."
